Korea Customers Visited Our Factory For Galvanized Pipe Fittings . On 08th Aug 2014,Korea customers visited our factory to check the Galvanized Fittings . They were very satisfied with our Galvanized quality especially the excellent galvanized technical and smoothly surface . Finally , they ordered 1x20'ft for trial order,it is the start of Win-Win cooperation between us .
韩国客户参观工厂洽谈镀锌管件订单 2014年8月8日, 韩国客户参观工厂洽谈镀锌管件订单。客户对我们的镀锌质量特别是先进的镀锌技术和平整光滑的表面处理非常满意。最终,他们下了一个小柜的试订单,这是双方合作共赢的开始。